Well June is almost over & no blog posts??? I promise I have some really great reasons... First of all, we spent the entire first week of the month at Disney World! Can you believe it? Seven solid days of Mickey, Minnie, & the gang. I have tons of great pictures and stories from the trip I can't wait to share. The second week, as you can imagine, we needed a vacation from our vacation. We were all pooped. It took me DAYS to get caught up on everything after being gone so long. It took me more days than I care to admit honestly. Had a serious Disney hangover. Last week was Vacation Bible School at church. It was my first year to volunteer full-time and WOW was it exhausting, but fun at the same time. I was the class "Shepherd" for Ava's class. The "Mosquitoes" class consisted of 20 kiddos going into either 2ND or 3rd grade. Benjamin stayed in the nursery every morning from 8:30-1pm while I was with my class. He had a ball playing with the other babies and winning the hearts of all the nursery workers! He is such a little flirt. I missed him WAY more than I expected, but I know it is good for both of us to spend time away from one another and I welcomed the opportunity to spend quality time with Ava during the week.